“But I realized that I can’t make everyone believe. And I can’t talk to everyone and tell them who I really am. They’re still going to have their own opinions. If you know me, you love me. If you don’t know me, you might love me, but you might not — and that’s cool. And you know what? Now I sleep like a baby at night.
“It wasn’t even that hard to stop caring what other people thought. I wasn’t married, and I didn’t have a boyfriend so I didn’t have to care about anyone else’s feelings or protect anyone’s heart. I thought, ‘This is my life. This is about me. If you don’t like it, I don’t care. I’m going to do anything and everything I want with my own life.’
“What I’ve realized is that, when you care too much, you’re not living at your full potential. When you really stop caring about what people say, that’s when you really start living. It’s such an amazing feeling. It’s about loving who you are, owning who you are and knowing that it’s OK to live your life how you want to live it. We’re all human, which means we’re not all perfect. It’s so cool to think that I might help women think about who they want to be and then encourage them to be that person with no remorse. I want to help women just be happy in their own skin.
“So please: Before you judge someone — especially another woman — put yourself in her shoes and also look at your past. That’s what a lot of women fail to do. They’re so quick to call another girl names, but it’s like: You know what? There may have been a time where you looked back and said, ‘I probably shouldn’t have done that.’ Does that make you a h-? No, it makes you a human.”