Laverne Cox is voicing outrage over North Carolina’s new anti-LGBT legislation.
In late February, the Charlotte City Council expanded its current nondiscrimination ordinance to include LGBT residents. In addition to race, age, religion and gender, the ruling was established to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Of course, the ordinance that permitted Charlotte’s LGBT citizens to use either bathroom based on which gender they self-identify as, quickly came under fire.
Although the ruling would have gone into effect on April 1, it was recently shut down by North Carolina’s recent state ruling, which was signed by Gov. Pat McCrory. “The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte,” McCrory said in a statement.
“This radical breach of trust and security under the false argument of equal access not only impacts the citizens of Charlotte but people who come to Charlotte to work, visit or play. This new government regulation defies common sense and basic community norms by allowing, for example, a man to use a woman’s bathroom, shower or locker room.”
Meanwhile, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts voiced her disgust over her state’s recent ruling. “I am appalled with the General Assembly’s actions today. It has passed a bill that is worse than what we have seen in Indiana and Georgia and other states. This legislation is literally the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country. It sanctions discrimination against the LGBT community.”
On Twitter, stars like “Orange Is the New Black” actress Laverne Cox called for fans to “overturn” the ruling. “I am so disappointed in the governor and legislature of North Carolina. Overturn #HB2,” she tweeted. “Stay strong. This law is clearly unconstitutional and will not survive a court challenge. Let’s let this mobilize us.”
Comedian Sarah Silverman dubbed the new law “f—ing gross.”