Arrests made as ‘creepy clown’ sightings rise in Georgia.

Brandon Moody and Rebecca Moody (Photo Credit: Troup County Sheriff)

There is a sick craze directed at small children — some adults are trying to exploit a psychological fear. The fear is called “coulrophobia” which means fear of clowns. At the root of the fear is not knowing who is under the makeup and what they might do. Many have seen clown antics that defy what is socially normal such as throwing water and silly pranks; for which the clown is never punished. Now across the United States people are deciding to pose as clowns in front of creepy places such as dark graveyards on the side of the rode, disquieting viewers. Some pranksters have been seen walking out of woods and seeming to follow a person.

Recently in Macon, Georgia, a series of reported clown sightings had the city on edge. Earlier this week a group of school children waiting on the morning bus; ran back told and told their mother they were chased by knife wielding clowns. The frantic mom called police and no suspects were found. The frightened children told police that the clowns appeared to be young teens and adults that emerged from bushes and abandoned homes. As a precaution the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office began monitoring school bus stops.

Police are now reporting that an arrest was made on Wednesday of two people who have been calling in false reports of clowns. Brandon Moody, 26, and Rebecca Moody, 27, were arrested and charged with obstruction and unlawful conduct during a 911 call. Moody called a 911 and reported seeing clowns around a white van. He then had Rebecca Moody make the same report to 911. When police arrived all they found was a man who had run out of gas and was in need of assistance. Police questioned Brandon Moody and he admitted making up the whole story. But he also added he saw clowns acting suspiciously earlier this month.

Law enforcement has seen an increase in clown related calls that are bordering on hysteria across the south in particular. On Sept. 12 of this month LaGrange, Georgia, police posted the following to Facebook:

“Tonight we’ve received several calls about clowns in a van and in wooded areas trying to talk to children. This behavior is not cute or funny. Understand that if officers see this behavior, you’re going to have a conversation with them. And, if applicable, you may face criminal charges.” –LaGrange Police

Earlier this month the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, police department was also subjected to multiple creepy clown sightings. There were reports of clowns trying to lure children into the woods or giving out treats. Most of these reports were made by children to adults and no clowns were ever found. As the Halloween holiday season approaches it will be very important for parents to follow safe trick-or-treat rules for their children. These reported clown sightings have the potential to exploit children’s fears or give the opportunity for some to make tasteless pranks.

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