Lil Mo shared some shocking news to the world this weekend when she revealed that a number of her family members had been involved in a tragic incident that had taken the lives of some of the singer’s loved ones.
The singer made the heartbreaking announcement on Saturday, sharing with her nearly 600K followers that she was informed after touching down at an airport that some of her family members had been fatally injured in an unknown incident. Little else was revealed about the tragedy but, thankfully, Mo revealed that some of her family members that were involved in the incident were still alive and currently being treated for their injuries.
“Those that aren’t too deep and spookoy and really believe in GOD. Make dua (prayer) for MY FAMILY at this time. Literally just landed from Denver in DC. Got phone calls back to back some family in the hospital and some murdered. My heart is sooooo heavy. I never ask for anything. But PRAYER. Turning my phone off to focus,” Mo wrote in the message.
The singer then captioned the photo with, “Strength in numbers. All I ask for is sincere prayers.”
Since Mo’s initial message, she hasn’t revealed anything else about her family’s devastating tragedy or about how she’s been holding up in the wake of the tragedy. Instead, she’s shifted gears back to the humorous posts she’s become known for sharing via her social media pages.
Our condolences go out to Mo and the rest of her family during this painful time and we wish them the best. We’ll keep you posted if any new developments are revealed from Mo or any of her family members.
In the meantime, what do you think of this tragedy? Let us know in the comments.