Ré Lxuise is an Atlanta-based artist whose soft melodic touch captivates the mind and always leaves listeners wanting more. As the newest signee to Elhae & Dream Loud Music Group, Ré Lxuise is set to release her third EP later this month. Titled D.M. Me, which is an acronym for “Don’t Mind My Emotions,” she wrote all six songs on the upcoming project in an attempt to capitalize on a new wave. Speaking from an emotional place, her heart bridged the gap between staying true to herself and finding a way to relate to anyone listening to her new project.
On Jan. 9, 2017, Ré Lxuise offered industry professionals, family and friends the opportunity to hear her new project at her D.M. Me listening arty in Atlanta. Receiving an abundance and love and support, she pointed out two tracks in particular that she was extremely excited about.
“Know You” is a track off her upcoming EP that speaks to having a guy’s best interest at heart, understanding his needs, and being able to satisfy his wants. While “The One” is another track that hints on finding a balance within a relationship and being about to work through the toughest of times. All in all, the music delivers a message that all lovers can relate to and has a smooth vibe.
Ré Lxuise recently had the opportunity to be featured on five songs from the debut album of Atlantic recording artist Elhae titled All Has Fallen. As she makes her mark, she will definitely be an artist to look out for in 2017. You can stay up to date on new releases and music via SoundCloud, as well as social media at RéLxuise.