Peytyn Willborn slam dunks in Lifetime’s new show, ‘Bringing Up Ballers’

Photo credit: A’darah for Amanda Golden

As a former wife of a celebrity comedian, working mom of two, entrepreneur and restaurateur, one would think Peytyn Willborn would not have any more room for additional challenges. Well, you would be wrong. Wilborn is set to be part of Lifetime’s “Bringing Up Ballers” show, premiering March 1, 2017. The much-buzzed-about show follows the lives of five working mothers as they juggle life, career and motherhood, particularly their sons’ hoop dreams.

How did the idea of “Bringing Up Ballers” come about?
The producers had an idea for a show that would explore an environment that hasn’t really been seen on TV.  Several of the moms were connected through their kids and the basketball world and that’s how it all got started.

Was there something about this particular reality show that drew you to participate in it?
Basketball has been a major part of my life since my son was in grammar school. George III has always had a passion and talent for basketball, playing on his school basketball team from the age of 4 as well as a traveling AAU team since he was in grade school. He participated in the New York Knicks summer camps and was trained by the best. This reality show concept [is] unlike others I had been approached about [and] allowed the focus to be on the most important thing to me which is my children/family. The fact that they could come along this journey with me gave me the incentive I needed to participate in this reality show.

How many other basketball moms are in the show?
There are five other basketball moms on this show each giving you an inside look at their lives as basketball mom. I have the oldest child, who is in his first year of college and I have experienced much of what the other moms have [gone] through now.

What is the audience expected to see this season?

The sidelines at grade school through college basketball games are another world. Basketball for these moms is not a game but a lifestyle. You will are guaranteed to see the drama, hard work, and so much more. The moms on the sidelines become the coach, referee and manager all in one. Each mom trying to take their child to the top and it becomes a game of survival. We watch NBA games and see the glamorous lives of the athletes and hear about all the high paying salaries but don’t see their journey and training to perfect their skill. All of these things combined are what you will see from this show.

Is there something that separates Lifetime’s “Bringing Up Ballers” from Bravo’s franchise programs? In other words, why should audience watch the show?
There is no other show that gives you the behind-the-scenes look at the game of basketball from the viewpoint of the mother from grade school to high school. Watching this business savvy, fashionista basketball moms will sure blow your mind.

What is life like for you now as an entrepreneur and mom?
Life as entrepreneur and mom is rewarding yet challenging at times. I have always been an entrepreneur since my children were born so the juggling and making sure my children and my businesses had all of time and attention with neither lacking any love and support comes second nature. However, recently my youngest went off to college to start his collegiate career. In addition to running my businesses and being a supportive mom to both of my children, I am expanding my Future Mogul Campaign and will start hosting Basketball Mom Nights Out held at my restaurant, Truth Italian Restaurant, this spring. I am constantly on the go but I am building a legacy for my family and would not have it any other way. Being busy is a blessing.

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