There’s a feud brewing between Trey Songz and Nicki Minaj


Is Trey Songz responsible for Nicki Minaj’s success? Well, the R&B crooner seems to think so.

In case you missed it, the “Light My Body Up” rapper isn’t quite over all the fuss created by Remy Ma’s diss track, “shEther.” So, how exactly is Trigga involved? As you may recall, during the 7-minute track, the “All The Way Up” rapper alleged that “Mr. Steal Your Girl” himself had his way with the female emcee. “Only time you touch a trigga is when you f–ked Trey Songz,” Ma spit.

While Minaj has since released a diss track of her own, as well as put up a pretty wager, offering the Terror Squad rapper $500K if she could release a response within 72 hours or get booked without mentioning her name. It seems her beef didn’t end there.

The “Anaconda” rapper took to Twitter (in a since deleted tweet), where she took aim at Songz for not having her back. “lol. Wut u SHOULD be saying is that it’s not true, seeing as it’s not…I done gotchu 6 million plaques,” she wrote. Only, she wasn’t quick enough, as Songz had the opportunity to fire off a response of his own. “You need to be mad at Remy Nicki cause if you check my Instagram feed I already denied it on video so words didn’t get misconstrued You just mad. I still love you,” he tweeted. Adding, “get me some more plaques babe.”

Meanwhile, it appears Songz was only saving face for social media. While doing promo rounds for his recent release, Tremaine, the 32-year-old appeared on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club where he claimed without him, Nicki would be nothing. When asked if the Barbie has apologized for lashing out at him, Songz responded, “No, she hasn’t, and Nicki, I love you. Nicki said she gave me six platinum, but let’s keep it real, Nicki ain’t had s–t before ‘Bottoms Up.'” Yikes! Shots fired.

Minaj has not (yet) responded.

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