How to turn personal obstacles into professional opportunities

obstacles to opportunities
Photo credit: Tiffany Sedlak
Kyla Pruitt is an international speaker, author, and an expert in laws and public policy analysis who has quite a story to share. She developed a passion for empowerment at an early age, dedicating her time and works to inspire, coach and invest in the minds and hearts of both men and women, specializing in overcoming trauma and building businesses from a legal aspect.
If anyone knows how to turn their personal obstacles into professional opportunities, it’s Pruitt. 
How did you discover your purpose?
My purpose was discovered during a very dark time in my life. I grew up rough anyhow but as an adult, I was dealing with a abandonment, divorce, and a sexual assault at the same time. My faith carried me, but I struggled internally of for many different reasons. I remember, hearing a voice saying I had to preserver and that i come to far to just sit. I started writing, and discovered how refreshing it was. As I walked my journey out, sought  healing and located my authentic self I realized my heart was so big for wholeness ad authenticity in people. It finally had a name. It just started with me saying yes, and day by day the pieces came together. 
You have a passion for empowerment, what personal experiences led to this passion? 
I came from a divorced household and dealt with childhood physical and sexual abuse. I always found a way to escape and academia was one of those ways. However, life really set in once I went through my divorce and rape,  I felt like I had a target on back and was reliving my childhood all over again.  I realized how taboo those topics alone were. I realized that some people may not be as strong as I was or am mentally and I wanted token people from the struggles I faced sometimes alone. I knew I had to seek out some form of counsel and aid to work though my issues and swore that once I really got whole I would do all that I could to help.  I started to really identify habits, mindset, deep rooted issues and that led me ultimately to my passions for developing wholeness in people in every area of their life.
You were able to turn your pain into profits through writing your books and ebooks, what message do you want to leave with the masses?
 The biggest thing for me was not being afraid of your story! So often, leaves us paralyzed and crippled. For me, I figured i wasn’t going to give into the label of being a victim! I want everyone to know that although the road is tough, starting over and picking up the pieces can be done! You’re your decisions, not the ones made for you! I want everyone to know that you are NOT who society says you are! You can still achieve greatness! 
What advice can you offer to women who want to overcome their circumstances to achieve success?
Get to the root of your issues and be OK with the process! Everyone has something that life has thrown at them.. so you just have to put one foot in front of the other and obtain your blessings. I would say, be transparent with yourself, especially in business.  The key to success, financially, personally, and professionally is your ability to be honest and make fast adjustments.  If you make excuses,  you’ll remain average! 
Why is it so important for businesswomen to take care of their unresolved personal issues before going after professional goals?
It’s important because we as people have filters. We as people function off of energy, and impressions. Unresolved “anything” creates and gives off confusion, shade, negativity etc. In business, your business depends on how well you deal with the client, the customer, the money, your image etc. there are many things of “self” that must be tended to. Similar to relationships. So it’s crucial if you’re a women in business, to deal with yourself personally. If not, this leads to offense, deception, irritated business dealings etc.  Women must understand that the image, and talent can only take you so far. Your character, integrity, and how you “handle” people speaks volumes to those watching! 
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