The Sons of Integrity of Dallas is comprised of a group of God-fearing men who have decided to do something different this Father’s Day weekend. Instead of thinking of themselves they have decided to give back to the next generation of young with a Father’s Day basketball challenge.
SOI has teamed up with the Arlington, Texas, Police Department and the Don Kromer Boys & Girls Club for a basketball fundraiser. The mentees of the program will challenge the Arlington Police Department in a friendly five-on-five basketball game. According to Dalon Williams Sr, President of Sons of Integrity, “this event will allow the young men to interact with the men and women in blue from another perspective other than when they are on duty.”
Tip off is Saturday, June 17, at 6 p.m. 200 E Cravens, at Don Kromer Boys & Girls Club in Arlington, Texas. The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise traveling expenses for 10 young men. The prize, a trip to the Shepard’s of the Ozark (SOTO) camping retreat in Harriet, Arkansas.
Rolling out had an opportunity to speak with Williams and he explained why it was important for men of God to create SOI. “As fathers, we felt it was our obligation to change the dynamics that young Black males struggle with every day; their mindsets. That thought — two years ago — led to the conception of the Sons of Integrity.
“SOI is comprised of God-fearing men who are dedicated to utilizing their time, skills, and mentorship to impact our youth while igniting or reigniting the fire of greatness in their hearts,” Williams says.
Who are the Sons of Integrity?
Sons of Integrity was established in October 2015, with the sole purpose of improving community relations through community service projects. SOI is comprised of God fearing men who are dedicated to utilizing their time, skills, and mentorship to impact our youth while igniting or re-igniting the fire of greatness in their hearts.
What’s backstory of the name?
Sons of Integrity is derived as a result of who we are. We are all men that are God’s sons, and if we are going to do anything that represents him, it will be done with integrity.
How did you get involved with SOI?
Rather than just talking about how I got involved with SOI, let me explain how the organization was established. After recently retiring from the United States Navy, my family and I moved to Dallas due to a job offer. I met Damon Brown (founding member) through mutual friends and he invited me to his house to talk about how can we as men come together to save the young men within the DFW. As fathers, we felt it was our obligation to change the dynamics that young black males struggle with every day; their mindsets.
What is the mission of SOI?
SOI’s mission is to change boys into God-fearing men.
How important is it for a young man to have male role models in their life?
In my opinion, I feel it is important for a young man to have role models in his life because it allows him to deal with childhood issues while they’re young and not harvest those same issues into their adult life. Also, having tangible role models is important because they can see there are successful black men who once were in their shoes. I, too, grew up in a broken home — I’m not saying that all young men grew up in broken homes — but I grew up dealing with trying to figure out why daddy was not there, why mothers had to work two and sometimes three jobs to make ends meet and through it all they made it. It is imperative that young men know by opening up and discussing the issues they deal with does not make them weak or less of a man. Finally, it is important for a young man to have role models who would not be ashamed of God because it is in him where he gets his strength and blessings.
What are three things young men should learn from SOI?
- That God loves them
- Respect for themselves and others
- Integrity
How can people get involved with your organization?
Great question! People can get involved by coming out and supporting these young men as they prepare to play against the Arlington Police Department’s officers and staff members. Also, they can make donations by visiting Sons of Integrity’s webpage www.sonsofintegrity.org. Emailing me at [email protected] or calling me at 601-604-2274. Please come out and help us make this dream a reality! Thanks in advance.