NY Times best-selling author and sexpert Mary Honey B Morrison stopped by the rolling out studios for some girl talk with a group of ladies recently. Known for selling nearly four million novels classified as both fiction and erotica, Mary’s biggest suggestion was that women realize the power they have over their money, their time and of course their bodies. “You should only do what you want to do, when it comes to men and relationships, nothing more nothing less,”Mary stated matter-of-factly.
In the vane of taking control, Morrison suggested women take ownership of their sexuality. When asked what a woman should do if her man isn’t satisfying her at night but is meeting the rest of her needs, Morrison’s suggestion was simple, “You need a side dude.” Morrison suggested very few men, if any, would be with a woman they weren’t receiving sexual satisfaction from. She pointed out that women often stay in relationships and “situationships” where their needs (especially their sexual needs) aren’t being met. “That’s why men have side chicks, to get 100% satisfaction, women can do the same thing.”
Morrison’s candid advice comes as a shock to some but her twenty-year career as a best-selling author suggests she has the ear and is a needed voice for African American women. “My books have always shown women in control of their lives, from their careers to their friendships to their sex lives. We are not victims,” she says.
“My books have always shown women in control of their lives, from their careers to their friendships to their sex lives. We are not victims,” she said.
Mary’s latest book, The One I Waited For, debuted on on Tuesday, Aug.1, 2017. “The heroine in this book has been through a lot but she is rewarded for everything she has gone through,” Morrison explained.
Morrison continued giving advice throughout the evening, including suggesting single women go to local restaurants/bars by themselves and sit at the bar to meet potential suitors. “Don’t go with your friends; that’s the easiest way not to have a conversation with a man … sit at a table full of women. I go to the bar, I sit by myself and it doesn’t take long for someone to come sit next to me and strike up a conversation. If they are buying drinks or the meal, I allow them to stay, if not I tell them the seat is reserved for someone else so that the next potential can have a seat. I’m not into wasting anyone’s time, especially not my own,” Morrison shared.
You can learn more about Mary Honey B Morrison by following her on Instagram at @honeybhonest.
Would you consider having a “side dude” if your relationship wasn’t fulfilling? Chime in below.