From marriages to business management, it’s always best to seek proper guidance. Giovanna Burgess Geathers is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, author, life coach, workshop facilitator, trainer, and owner of Touchstone Counseling and Coaching in Greenville, South Carolina.
Rolling out had the opportunity to chat with Burgess Geathers about her counseling practice.
How did you get into your business?
I went to graduate school to earn my master’s degree in counseling and then I began the process towards licensing, which I completed in 2012. In 2013, I left my position as executive director at a nonprofit organization and launched my private practice. I added the Breathe Shoppe in the fall of 2016 and had the first Breathe retreat in May 2017. As far as speaking, I started that in 2010.
How do you handle stress in your business?
I use the deep breathing techniques we teach to our clients to manage my own emotions and my stress, hence the Breathe classes and the Breathe Retreat/Breathe Shoppe.
What is your biggest hurdle you’ve overcome since becoming a business owner?
Setting expectations up front with the other therapists in my group.
What is the biggest achievement you’ve accomplished with your business?
One of my biggest achievements is completing the first five years in business as most new businesses fail within the first five years. I have also increased our client base by 75 percent and our revenue by 50 percent since I began in 2013.
In your opinion, what is the key to success?
I would say there is not one key to success, but a combination of several factors such as vision, flexibility, the ability to adapt to change, follow through, integrity, and hard work along with believing in yourself and persevering when it gets tough.
The best business tip you can give a prospective person who is looking to work in your field?
Don’t try to do all things at once. Even if you have a grand vision, start with something manageable and then add on to that over time. Also, keep believing and encouraging yourself even when things appear to be falling apart.
What is a quote or mantra that motivates you?
There are two. One is mine and the other is borrowed from Marianne Williamson. Mine is, “You have to buy what you’re selling.” Which means, if I don’t believe in me and my dream, it is going to be hard for me to sell that to someone else. Secondly, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
What advice would you give your younger self about growing up as a woman in this world?
To dream big and think big. Your own mind is the only true limitation you will ever face.
If you were the first woman president, what would be your first order of business?
Wow, big question. My first order of business would be to surround myself with the right team to advise me and co-facilitate the work that needs to be done, especially with regards to economic, racial and sexual equality.
What was your last Google search?
I searched for information on the Cherokee Indians in helping my son study for his social studies test.
How do we stay in touch?
Giovanna Burgess Geathers, CEO, Touchstone Counseling, 105 Commons Way, Greenville, SC 29611, (864) 451-2258, www.touchstone-counseling.org