Rap impresario Meek Mill is groaning about the fact that he’s been forced into solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, seven days a week because he is too famous to be among the general population.
According to reports, the rapper desperately wants to be among the rest of the inmates, and his attorneys have filed papers saying he’s being treated differently because of his celebrity status.
Meek is also officially demanding his release from prison and also wants his probation completely terminated, TMZ reported.
Meek’s lawyers filed documents Wednesday in Pennsylvania, arguing his 2-4 year prison stint is the result of a vendetta from the presiding judge, Genece Brinkley. She allegedly asked Meek to vacate his old record company and join one from someone she knows, according to his attorneys. She also asked Meek to remix the Boys II Men smash No. 1 hit “On Bended Knee” and to give her a shout out on the record. When Meek Mill allegedly turned her down, she later sentenced him harshly for twice violating the terms of his probation — despite the fact that even the prosecution recommended that he do no jail time. The judge is reportedly being investigated by the FBI.
As for his time in prison, the lawyers say prison officials are concerned about Meek interacting with other inmates, so they put him in solitary because it’s the only way they can protect him.
Meek’s legal team hopes the judge sides with the theory that solitary confinement, over time, has a very negative impact on the psyche. They also argue on Meek’s behalf that being alone all day every day is stunting his creativity, and taking a considerable toll on the rapper.
Meek believes he feels has accrued enough street cred to hang out in general population due to the fact that he has respect and he has invested in the community since he broke out as a rap star.
Meek Mill was granted prison store privileges (commissary) for the first time Friday for jailhouse snacks and toiletries. He’ll soon be granted visitation rights in the coming weeks — although we don’t think ex-girlfriend Nicki Minaj will be among the visitors.
In the legal papers, Meek’s lawyers say the two incidents for which his probation was violated resulted in dismissed charges. Even Mill’s probation officer testified he’s responded well to probation — thus far.
Meek says his prison sentence and probation should be terminated for the following reasons: because he’s matured; he’s become a responsible father; acquired a profession; and “generally been rehabilitated.”
He’s requesting to be credited for time served and to be released from prison.