Longtime TV personality Roland Martin dragged Mo’Nique from Los Angeles all the way back to her Baltimore hometown when she had the audacity to try to check him like she has so many others during her mystifying, logic-defying one-woman crusade against Netflix.
Mo’Nique, who turned down a reported $3M payday (and acted like she was offered just $500K) from Netflix after the cable network asked her to come in to audition, boldly accused Martin of not fighting for her cause and those related to it. In response to Mo’Nique’s ambush attack, the former host of TV One’s “NewsOne Now” decided to un-holster his tongue and fire back at the Oscar-winning actress with a fully loaded clip.
Love what y’all do! Keep pushing for democracy in North Carolina! https://t.co/zoswmGoIih
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
Love what y’all do! Keep pushing for democracy in North Carolina! https://t.co/zoswmGoIih
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
Brother Roland please listen we getting ready to do press. I appreciate your fight, however where is your fight for EQUALITY when it comes to your sisters. Let’s talk brother.
— Mo’Nique Worldwide (@moworldwide) January 26, 2018
But again, Mo’Nique, you really need to address the email @JawnMurray read that he said was from @willpowerpacker to your husband. That is damning. It spoke of how you mistreated the crew, men and women. Either you did or you didn’t. Speak to that. https://t.co/6Gv3PHa03C
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
But again, Mo’Nique, you really need to address the email @JawnMurray read that he said was from @willpowerpacker to your husband. That is damning. It spoke of how you mistreated the crew, men and women. Either you did or you didn’t. Speak to that. https://t.co/6Gv3PHa03C
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
I don’t waste my time in silly tit for tats. But Mo’Nique, you gonna have to own up to your stuff too if you want others to. That @EBONYMag cover you were on with @chrisrock and @IAmSteveHarvey? I conceived that issue. I was told the photo shoot was a horror because of you. https://t.co/6Gv3PHa03C
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
So here is my final point, Mo’Nique: you are 100% right about Black women, Black men and other people of color getting paid top dollar. But how we treat others impacts how we get paid. Now ask yourself, is it you or every other major Black Hollywood player that’s the problem? https://t.co/6Gv3PHa03C
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018
Is it you and your husband, or is @leedanielsent @Oprah @tylerperry @willpowerpacker @DavidETalbert and others the problem? Your talent is immense. But life ain’t just about who has talent. It’s also how we treat everyone else. THAT’S also equality. https://t.co/6Gv3PHa03C
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) January 26, 2018