Military vet Asheya Dixon turns passion for beauty into a thriving business

Military vet Asheya Dixon turns passion for beauty into a thriving business
Photo courtesy of Asheya Dixon

Military and beauty are two words that usually don’t go together but for Asheya Dixon, they do. A nine-year vet, wife, and mother of two, Dixon used her military discipline and determined mindset to become a millionaire by 35 with her e-commerce business, BRWN Beauty.

Rolling out talked with Dixon about how adversity motivated her to make it to the top.

What are some obstacles you’ve had to overcome to get to where you are now?

Finding the right time to make for my business and getting through the mental toll of failure. When you’re starting a business but working at the same time, it’s tough especially as a single parent. You have to work, take care of home and kids but still find time to research, develop a plan, then execute. Also, failure and rejection are mentally exhausting, but you have to keep going. Failure was exhausting to me, but I never gave up. I knew that if I failed 99 times the 100th time could be “The One” so knowing that kept me in the game.

How does your attitude affect your altitude?

Attitude is key because having the right attitude about business and just life, in general, will take you further than most. My attitude affects my ability in a sense that I know to keep my mind conditioned to see everything in a positive light I have to monitor my thoughts and focus on what’s important. Doing this every day has created a habit and the attitude that I can win at anything.

Military vet Asheya Dixon turns passion for beauty into a thriving business
Photo courtesy of Asheya Dixon

Describe your brand, BRWN Beauty.

When I see my brand, I see natural, healthy and nourishing ingredients for your skin. We stand for creating products that are beneficial to our health and having the ability to revive your skin to its natural youthful appearance. I see a brand that’s positive and influential. One that puts a smile on the faces of many who have tried other products to no avail but have finally found something that works with BRWN Beauty.

What is unique about BRWN Beauty?

What’s unique about BRWN Beauty is our ability to be innovative yet remain natural. I love to see the new trends and keep up with what the demand is and still create natural products with natural ingredients. I see some companies that end up having to compromise their ingredients by using so many chemicals and unnatural ingredients to be trendy.

What type of woman uses your product?

Every woman should be using my products! My products are formulated to be moisturizing, cleansing, reduce blemishes and improve overall appearance. Any woman no matter age or lifestyle should consider trying these products. I am a busy woman always on the go, and I carry the travel size lotion in my purse at all times because my skin tends to get dry quickly at the age of 36. I would recommend these products to everyone.

What has been your greatest lesson as an entrepreneur?

Never quit, know your market and know your product like a book. Just think if I had decided to quit after I failed at making my first product, or if I had quit after lack of support I would never be where I am. Lastly, I’m always researching and reading. I do this so that I’m well educated about my products which enables me to create the most beneficial products for our skin.

What is your favorite current beauty trend?

Masks! I love masks. They’re so easy yet so amazing for the skin. March 2018 we will push out more products, and that will include masks for both men and women. We even have something fun in store for teens.

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