East Atlanta Jungle brings flavor and creativity from the hood and artists. It’s no side of Atlanta that gives that vibe other than Eastside.- King Brad
In the words of Outkast, “Atlanta has been called the new Motown of the South.” Artists of all types travel far and wide to experience the culture and possibilities the city has to offer to its creatives.
Like Freaknik in the ’90s, the East Atlanta Jungle brings the essence of culture, art and music to Atlantans. Started a year ago by King Brad, the second annual EAJ shined a light on the city’s uprising musicians and artists. “I wanted to give opportunities to vendors, musicians, and artists to be heard,” he said.
Among the many musicians attending EAJ were rappers Pizar, Blaine Omarae, and MVRSZ representing Underground Royalty.
The trio performed several of their records released on platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Tidal, and social media. For the musicians, EAJ provides a space to inspire.
“We’re independent, so the EAJ allows us to come together as an independent label, family, and pitch in with our revenue to bring inspiration to artists who may not know how to start,” said Pizar.
Pizar also said the annual concert reassures artists that they can make it own their own. “We don’t have to sign no bulls— contract,” he said.
Speaking of not signing contracts, Blaine Omarae feels as though that independent artists can make it to a broader audience by collaborating with each other.
“EAJ is humble beginnings to a huge vision,” Omarae said. “It’s on a smaller scale now, but in the next few years it will be on a larger scale for the event and Underground Royalty.”
A collective of dope artists, MVRSZ says that artists don’t have to worry about the hassle of paying to perform at the event. “If you have talent, we will spot you to perform for the show,” said MVRSZ.
Offering more than just the sounds of hip-hop, artist Adjoa Burrs showcased some of her pieces at the event to grow her platform. “EAJ provides a good network for artists to get to know each other and gain exposure,” she said.
DJ Haven states that EAJ brings more than trap music to the city. “Trap music has set the trend for pop culture, but we wanted to show another way of showcasing dope artistry,” said DJ Haven.
Hoping that audiences who attend the annual event take away the positivity that Atlanta has to offer, King Brand is planning for EAJ 3. “Third time is a charm, and it’s going to give creatives a chance to do what they love to do,” he said.
Check out pictures from the event below.