“Real Housewives of Atlanta” OG NeNe Leakes was blazing with rage recently when an online publication reported that her husband, Gregg, was sequestered in a hospital emergency room for half a month with various medical maladies.
Gregg Leakes was in the hospital, but his wife claims it was not for the reasons published in the entertainment website RadarOnline. Furthermore, the Athens, Georgia-born Leakes, 50, said it was preposterous that anyone would be hospitalized in any emergency room for weeks at a time.
Leakes unloaded on Radar via her social media platform in a scathing indictment on its reporting.
“This is NOT an exclusive!! This is a ploy to try an find out what’s really going on! Well what’s not going on is,” NeNe Leakes said on Instagram, adding, “he’s NOT in the hospital for a heart issue, he doesn’t and has NEVER had food poisoning! By the way, who the f*** stays in the emergency room 15days? It’s really sad people like Radar won’t respect your privacy when you need it most🙌🏾 #lifeoftheleakes Thank you to those that have sent well wishes and good vibes! Thank you to our family and friends who are texting us with thoughts and prayers’.”
Fans quickly got behind the Leakes under her IG post, with one fan saying, “My prayers go out to you and the Leakes FAMILY I’m praying that God removed any unwanted energy and cover Greg with the blood for him to come out the hospital and show the young ones how the old bruthas get down….this is my prayer for mr.leakes.”
A second fan said, “Really ??? 15 days in the emergency room !! Fu**en idiots !! Take care of yourself and hubby. Don’t worry about all the trolls out there. Prayers and well wishes for you and you’re family 💜’ another one of her followers wished the RHOA star all the best.”
But one fan excoriated NeNe Leakes for allegedly being a cantankerous, bombastic woman.
“You need to focus on other things than replying to media outlets. F*** you’re one toxic woman. Like, shut your mouth for once Nene. JUST FOR ONCE. You have so much hate in your body – let it all out in your toilet, not from your mouth woman. When will you learn!?!?! Life is so short, learn it from your husband’s current situation! Stop being so hung on stupid s**t. Damnnnnn 😩’.”