Millennial New York City blogger Nyja Richardson shares advice on motherhood

Millennial New York City blogger Nyja Richardson shares advice on motherhood
Nyja Richardson and son Nolan (Photo provided by Nyja Richardson)

Nyja Richarson is a millennial mom raising her toddler son Nolan in New York City. The Rutger’s Univesity graduate is a full-time blogger and content creator who has established an impressive following with her “Mom’s Epiphany” blog and attracted more than 30,000 on Instagram.

With motherhood as her focus, Richardson is passionate about raising her son in vegan and holistic lifestyle. She is a trusted voice in the influencer community,  encouraging other women and moms to be confident, embrace their natural hair, live a life of total wellness and raise a plant-based child. The millennial mom shares how important trusting her instincts are as she maneuvers through motherhood.

How do you balance work and motherhood?

Still working on the art of balance. It can be very difficult when you work at home for yourself. I’m thankful that I am in the position where I have control of my career, but it also takes a lot of discipline to stay focused and not procrastinate.

Why is and raising your son to be vegan so important to you?

As a parent, I want my child or children to have the healthiest life possible — physically, emotionally and spiritually. I truly believe you are what you eat, and after doing research I decided I no longer wanted to consume animal products because it is not in my health’s best interest. My son is 3 years old and healthy as ever. He has never had any animal products and loves to talk to people about being vegan.

What has being a mother taught you about yourself?

Motherhood has taught me everything. Prior to motherhood, I have to admit that I was selfish and irresponsible. Motherhood has taught me patience and has allowed me to witness the most unconditional love I’ve ever experienced.

What is the best advice that your mother, grandmother or aunt gave you?

My mother told me to trust my body. I was nervous right before giving birth. I wanted a natural birth, but my tolerance for pain has always been low. She told me that God designed my body to give birth, that this was a purposeful pain. I listened to her and listened to my body and had a natural birth and labored for only four hours before I met my son.

What advice do you have for new moms?

My advice for new mamas is to trust your instincts. There is no book on “how to be the best mother,” but your instincts will do you wonders.

What has been the biggest challenge for you raising your children?

Living on my own was challenging for me just because I didn’t really have someone to tag team with on a daily basis. Don’t get me wrong; my village is amazing, but having someone there every day to help out would have lifted some of my anxieties. On those draining days where I don’t want to make dinner or give my son a bath, it would have been nice to have a partner to help.

How do you overcome hardships as a mother?

I often tell myself that this too shall pass regardless of what is it. I try to look at the brighter side of things and realize that my situation could be so much worse. I’m thankful for the success and the struggle of motherhood. It has helped mold me into a better friend, partner and woman.

What do you do for yourself to relax and gain clarity?

I wake up an extra hour earlier than he would for solitude. …[Or] I wait until my son is asleep, [and] I will run myself I hot lavender bath, pour myself a glass of wine, turn on a  great playlist and just chill.

How do you measure success as a mother?

I think the best way to measure the success of a mother is through their child. You can tell when a child is being loved and happy, and at the end of the day, that is what is important.

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