Eboni Elektra shares business insights at the 2019 RIDE Conference

Eboni Elektra shares business insights at the 2019 RIDE Conference
Charmaine Ward-Millner, director of corporate relations with Georgia Power (left) and Eboni Elektra at the “She Leads: Strategies for Effective Leadership” breakout session during the RIDE Conference 2019 (Photo credit: Joy Nealey for Steed Media)

Eboni Elektra, founder and CEO of The Social Light, an entertainment brand, was a featured speaker at the RIDE Conference 2019 on Friday, Sept. 6, in Atlanta.

The Atlanta native described her life as an entrepreneur during the “She Leads: Strategies for Effective Leadership” breakout session.

Rolling out caught up with Elektra after her session.

What is some advice you would give anyone wanting to start a business?

For anyone wanting to start their own business, I would say absolutely know exactly what it is that you want to do from beginning to end. Do your research, find out who’s doing the same thing in your area, so that when you put out your business plan you have stats, which is statistical information, you know exactly what it is that you’re doing, you know exactly where you’re headed, where you’re going, do at least maybe five-year plan rollout so that people can take you seriously. No one’s going to take you seriously unless you present yourself in a serious in a professional manner.

What business values do you believe the attendees in the “She Leads: Strategies for Effective Leadership” session should take away?

In any walk of life, whether it be business, whether it be corporate, whether it be philanthropy, whether it be entertainment, what you take away is the fact that you need to always be original [and] remain your true authentic self. Each and every person has a gift, no matter what it is, where they are in life, no matter where they’re from. Hone in on that one thing. Make sure you stay authentic, stay original, stay organic, and those things will skyrocket your career by all means.

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