Kimberly Bizor Tolbert is a passionate public servant

What encouraging piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Be your truest self in every situation. Don’t subscribe to what others want you to be. When you freely [are] who you are, you build bridges that connect you to impossibilities and unlimited goals. What you do with your life is your gift to God, so just give them you.

Why is it important for experienced Black women to reach back and help younger women of color? 

As a woman of color, our forward progress as a people depends on those coming after us. We have a unique responsibility to invest in our younger women of color and spend time learning from each other. The promise of their tomorrow serves as the catalyst for our tomorrow.

What are three success habits you implement into your daily routine to maintain your success, sanity and peace of mind?

I take time to love. I love on God first thing in the morning to fill up my spiritual tank. Next, I love on me, whether [it’s with] a compliment to myself or a five‐minute affirmation. Finally, I love on others. When I can make someone else feel special, my day is complete.

As a successful woman, what is your proudest achievement?  

Being a mother to my son is my proudest accomplishment. As a woman and a leader, I’ve had to balance competing work and family priorities. What success has been for me is helping my son to achieve his goals and become the man that God wants him to be.

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