Tisha Campbell-Martin has eluded to being raped as a child by a close family friend before. But on TV One’s appropriately titled “Uncensored,” the House Party and “Martin” actress, delves into dark corners of her soul to unveil a traumatic episode that stole her innocence and childhood.
“So it was a babysitter, someone very close to us,” Campbell-Martin, 50, began. “I remember us watching T.V. and I was a yeller. I can’t remember which brother had a butterknife but to me it was a knife, and I said, ‘Put that knife down!’ And the babysitter said, ‘I told you if you yell one more time, you’re going to get it.’ So I thought I was getting a spanking. He said, ‘Get in the room.’”
Campbell then went into graphic details about how the babysitter ordered her to take off her clothes.
“He left the room for a second and I was so scared I was shaking. And I remember him bringing back Crisco.” What followed was Campbell’s emotional account of the assault. “I remember my spirit escaping my body and hovering over and watching what was happening, and I felt myself hurl myself into a corner and ball up and I think I blacked out.”