University of Texas’ Robin Meeks details how creating action sparks ideas

Were you always interested in marketing and brand management? If not, at what point did you develop an interest?

I wasn’t always interested in marketing and brand management. My career path was heading toward procurement-purchasing or project management. When I started working at DIRECTV, I learned more about marketing, and while working on my bachelor’s degree, I discovered Brandweek and Darryl Cobbin. The concept that marketing is about the process of creating an action is very powerful to me.

Describe the skills that will be essential to future entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators.

You must have a vision. Have an idea or thought about what you want — what you want your business to be; what you want [your] team to do; how you want to move your ideas forward.

Know how to write and express yourself. If you can’t communicate your ideas with clarity, people can’t give you support.

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Preparation is what makes people lucky.

Name three books that changed how you saw life that you would recommend to others.

The 48 Laws of Power [by Robert Greene], No. 10 in particular. It helped me focus my relationships in a manner that allowed me to be OK if something didn’t work out. It was OK to let go and move on.
The Go-Getter, Peter B. Kyne. A short read but reminds me to do what needs to be done.
The Elements of Style, [William] Strunk [Jr.] and [E. B.] White. The ability to write well and express your ideas is paramount to success. Although I get nervous about writing, when I need to communicate my ideas, I can do it.

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