Bonfire ATL’s Terry Walker shares how time at home shaped his fatherhood goals

Why is it important to expose children to education and valuable skills?

Educating children gives them the ability to be functioning adults in a society that is technology-driven. The more they know, the more educational equity they have to find something that they can do to support themselves in the future. I always ask, “What skills do you possess that, if you enter a room penniless, [you’ll] be able to leverage to leave that room with legitimate revenue?”

Which fatherhood experiences have taught you the most about yourself?

When my daughter was about 2 years old, my wife went back to work, and I was tasked with performing the morning duties of waking my daughter up, bathing her, getting her dressed, feeding her and taking her to preschool, as well as picking her up. This responsibility connected me with a new sense of responsibility that would supersede all things that I once deemed important.

Why should you read every day?

One should read every day for two reasons. The first reason is to exercise your brain. Your brain is a muscle, and if you don’t use it, your brain can be out of shape and lose the ability to process simple information. The second reason is to increase your educational equity as explained earlier. The more potential you have, [the more you can] leverage that knowledge for revenue.

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