Another Black man has been shot by those sworn to protect and serve. Yet during this turmoil, we are expected to remain calm as we watch our loved ones continue to be slaughtered in the streets. Black Lives Matter, a global movement, has been at the forefront of the push for social justice, freedom and liberation. We continue to protest for justice. How many more times will we hear the echoes of “I can’t breathe” from our Black men as they lie slain in the streets? To do the same thing but expect different results is called insanity.
Are we crazy to expect change? I know you’re tired of being told that change only happens at the ballot box. I can’t guarantee that voting will change anything; however, what I can say with certainty is not to vote means s— won’t change.
This November is the most critical election of our lifetime. The state of our democracy is at stake. The rhetoric being spewed by those who worship the almighty dollar has caused human lives to be used as gambling chips. Daily, innocent people die from a mysterious disease that cares nothing about gender, ethnicity or age. Meanwhile, our corrupt government touts remedies that will only fatten their pockets and not save lives.
When does it stop?
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