Vote like your life depends on it

There are 67 days before the most crucial vote will be decided – the president of the United States. Our options are to continue to go with the status quo or vote for change. I’m emotionally drained with the cat-and-mouse games being played out with the three levels of government. I know that we may not always agree with our current representatives, but the only way to change that is to vote. What are you waiting for? Our economy is suffering, the poor are becoming poorer, and the margins for the wealthy are steadily rising. Daily, there are attempts to squash our actions and mute our voices — police brutality, corrupt politicians and biased laws — to benefit the few.

Our government continues to disenfranchise and marginalize our voices. Yes, I’m in a preaching mood. In June 2020, an investigation was launched due to voter suppression, with Black precincts having unprecedented long wait times to vote or people not even getting to vote at all. Do you think this is all by design? Hell yeah. They know your vote matters, but they also know that you can easily be persuaded not to vote. Instead, you would rather wait in long lines to get the latest pair of Air Jordans. Seriously, you care more about your shoe game than the future for your family?

I’m not here to tell you who to vote for, but I am here to demand you vote. Not voting is a vote for the very system that needs to be changed. Unless you’re proudly wearing the red hat to “Make America Great Again,” get off your a– and get registered and vote.

Repeatedly, you’ve heard the saying, “This is not a moment; it’s a movement.” These uncertain times should have caused you to do some in-depth soul-searching to see where you want to fit in history. Do you want to be a part of the problem or the solution?

Vote like your life depends on it

Anissa D. Blair is an Atlanta-based author and blogger with a passion for writing and being a mother and wife. In her blog, “Straight, No Chaser,” she represents everyday women “just trying to cope doing average s—” and covers all topics — from the good, the bad and the ugly of navigating through life’s obstacles and roadblocks, to building and keeping successful relationships while trying to maintain your sanity. No taboo topics here. You can read her work at and follow her on social media @anissadblair on Instagram and @anissablair on Facebook.

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