Kenya Moore continues her well-earned reputation of eagerly sticking her needle into fellow cast members. Moore accused fellow “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams of engaging in activism to raise her profile and respect levels, or what is termed as “clout chasing.”
As rolling out reported, Williams was arrested at least twice this past summer after taking to the Louisville, Kentucky streets to get justice for slain EMT worker Breonna Taylor. Three cops executed a no-knock warrant on Taylor’s home at 1 a.m. on March 13, 2020. Because the boyfriend, licensed gun owner Kenneth Walker, thought they were being robbed, he fired a shot at the door in self-defense, striking an officer in the leg. The police emptied their clips in return fire, killing Taylor on the scene. The three cops have since been exonerated of homicide charges by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and the grand jury.
Williams’ journey to Louisville and subsequent arrests are major storylines on the current RHOA season that has just gotten underway. Moore openly questions the authenticity of Williams’s activism.
In a teaser for Sunday’s episode, Moore turns to Kandi Burrus and asks:
“Has anybody talked to Porsha? I know she was arrested… again.”
Burruss furrows her eyebrows and asks Moore: “Why did you say it like that?”
“Cause at this point it just seems like maybe they’re putting themselves in the position to be arrested,” Moore said back to Burruss, who didn’t have a reply.
Later in the episode, Williams’ sister, Lauren, had a problem with Moore even being in the same room after throwing around scurrilous accusations at Williams.