Perlesta Hollingsworth has found professional success since matriculating from the hallowed halls of Morehouse College, from serving as counsel in the administration of President Bill Clinton to being a managing partner of a boutique sports and entertainment law firm. With all the accolades he’s received, Hollingsworth’s proudest and greatest accomplishment still is being the father of two beautiful daughters.
In honor of Black fathers, Hollingworth took a few minutes to speak with rolling out about what fatherhood means to him.
What legacy are you leaving for your children and the children of your community?
For my children, other than a legacy of being a loving, engaged parent, I plan to leave a successful business, real estate and a debt-free start in life, meaning no college loans. For those children in my community, I plan to leave businesses and mentoring opportunities so they can meet people in various careers that they do not often see themselves in other than an athlete or entertainer, so they can make their career dreams a reality.
How would you describe your fatherhood culture?
My culture is more of the village raising a child mentality. I have friends that will pick up my daughters and take them to hang out with their kids for a day or a weekend getaway. We celebrate the opportunity of helping to raise each other’s children, giving advice, telling them they are loved, they are special, they are brilliant. Hearing this from the parent is great, and hearing this from the village reinforces it.
Describe your playbook as a father and a life coach.
My playbook begins with giving my children access to different people, places, cultures [and] educational opportunities, exposing them to the world so they have confidence and familiarity [so they are] not afraid to try and fail, not afraid of people that do not look like them, not afraid to be different. The last part is to think about the consequences. Almost every morning when I drop them at school, my last words are, “I love you” and “make good decisions.”
Continued on the next page.