Jurena Glass-Cantrell and Melvin Davis both bleed red and black as devoted alumni of Clark Atlanta University. What started out as a shared love for their HBCU and hobby has become a blossoming business and started a movement, one uplifting all 107 HBCUs with individualistic fashion.
How did this business come about?
Jurena: Everyone was sad that we weren’t having homecoming celebrations that first year of the pandemic. And so, we started to talk about different ways to show that we’re very proud to be HBCU alumni. So we started putting things out, t-shirts and hats. And when he came up with the jackets, that’s when it really started to just take off. People just fell in love because it was a tangible piece of pride that you could walk around with.
Melvin: The Letterman jackets came from me honoring my baseball [career] at Clark. I got [the jacket in] ‘94 from the basketball coach. He gave me free lodging if I would be his manager for basketball. Then they got the baseball team going. So I honored him because he passed away by putting my letter on the jacket. I made the jacket for myself, posted it, and out of the blue, people were inquiring about it.

What was the hardest part about pushing this vision through the ongoing pandemic?
Jurena: Well, it has been one of my easier projects. When we showed the first designs, everybody just gravitated to them. Before I knew it, people were asking where could they get it? Melvin [said], let’s keep going. People are gravitating to it because right now, with the vice president getting into office, it’s put a [completely different] spotlight on all HBCUs and so we’re just happy that we can contribute to that excitement and celebration of HBCUs. Even though it was a pandemic going on, this is what [God] had for Melvin and I. So we just followed the assignment and we’ll continue to do that.

What does HBCU pride mean to you? And how is that displayed through the gear?
Jurena: My entire family, my grandmother, my mother, my sister, and my cousins, all went to HBCUs. It’s always been a source of excellence. That pride for me is just showing that we continue to be excellent, regardless of who notices. People are now saying that these are keepsakes, that they’re going to pass on to their children and grandchildren.
Melvin: For CAU, [it means] you find a way or make one. We take that pride and run with it. You can’t tell me I can’t do something. If they try to block you, you find a way to make it happen. I put that pride in the jackets. I want it to be the best quality, for an economical price that people can buy. I can individualize your jackets, or I give them a zip outline and half-zip outlining. So when you do decide you want to customize it, you can do it on your own.
Find the best-selling customizable letterman jacket collection visit mdjoriginal.com.