Wendy Williams has finally emerged from her season-long medical leave to inform fans of her eponymous show that she intends to return to her famous purple chair.
Williams, who is still dealing with a myriad of debilitating mental and physical maladies, is shown on an Instagram Sory video filmed by her son, Kevin Hunter Jr., while walking the beaches of Florida where she has been recuperating. The daytime talk show queen told her two million IG followers on Wednessday, Feb. 16, 2022, that she intends to return to New York and resume her normal duties of dispensing hot tea of celebrities’ sordid affairs.
There cannot be a determination on where when and where this clip was filmed. Williams, however, appears lucid and witty, which directly contradicts Wells Fargo Bank’s assertion that Williams is mentally incapacitated to the point she cannot handle her financial affairs. Wells Fargo has frozen her assets, inciting outrage in the Williams camp. She claims she is defaulting on outstanding bills and the “Wendy Williams Show” payroll. She has filed a lawsuit refuting the bank’s claim that she is suffering from dementia and that the bank’s arbitrary actions have caused her irreparable harm.
Williams was going to return to open the news season of her show in August 2021, but complications from fighting off the breakthrough coronavirus, on top of Grave’s disease and a thyroid condition, the alcohol and drug addiction, and her mental breakdown proved to be too much for Williams.
Now, there seems to be a sliver of hope Williams will come back based on this video.
When Williams’ son mentioned that fans are wondering if she can make a comeback, Williams gave her fans a modicum of assurance.
“Uhh, excuse me,” she retorted sharply. “I am going back stronger.”