Please let our audience know what you do and what prompted you to enter this line of business?
I am a media and marketing strategist, TV personality and creator of the Glambitious brand. My platform helps entrepreneurs elevate their visibility and revenue at TheGlamCEO.com through a plethora of offers including coaching, courses, speaker opportunities and media packages. I’m a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill and during the summer of ’03, I had the opportunity to intern in the NYC PR department of Universal-Motown Records. Thereafter, I knew I wanted to work in media relations and after many years as an entrepreneur, this has evolved into also offering marketing strategy as well for my clients.
What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
Women’s History Month to me is a wonderful reminder of every dynamic woman who has boldly operated in her gifting and paved the way for us to do so now. I love the energy this month brings into the entrepreneurial world, because you see a heightened sense of celebration among women of all facets. This is a month of inspiration and motivation to continue making women’s history today as a Glambitious visionary.
What are some of your greatest achievements?
I’m an award-winning PR strategist, I was cast for the Emmy-nominated series “Love Is Blind,” I’ve interviewed icons like Russell Simmons and Wendy Williams as a red carpet correspondent, hosted women empowerment events around the country from NYC to Miami, authored several books, provided micro-grants to a few business owners, coordinated community service efforts to support homeless and single mothers and helped one beautypreneur client achieve $500K in revenue within six months. (Her testimonial video is viewable at TheGlamCEO.com). My brand has touched thousands of entrepreneurs around the globe and for that I’m very proud.
What advice would you give younger women entering your field?
My advice would be to give yourself more grace and enjoy the journey. Sometimes we hold ourselves to impossible standards or compare our path to others and this robs us of the multifaceted experiences in the journey. As a Believer, I feel that you are always right where you’re supposed to be at any given time and that God is right beside you through it all, gently guiding you toward your destiny.
What else would you want people to know about you or your work, or anything else you want our audience to know in general?
I love helping others reach their dreams and I’m constantly creating opportunities for those in my network to elevate their visibility and revenue. I encourage readers to join the Glambitious email list at TheGlamCEO.com to access my PR freebie that helps entrepreneurs jumpstart their efforts. I also send out other opportunities and grant information through that list as well. To connect with me on Instagram follow @iamLillieMae