Big Moe Cason shares the secret to great barbecue in new series

Celebrity pit master shares the secrets behind his award-winning barbecue
Big Moe Cason shares the secret to great barbecue in new series
Big Moe thinks this spread island food is A-OK! (Photo credit: National Geographic  / Jon Kroll)

U.S. Navy veteran Big Moe Cason never dreamed of moonlighting as a reality TV star. His love for preparing food for family and loved ones developed into a passion over the years manifesting in the title of Champion Pit Master after winning numerous contests and creating a line of spices designed to complement both meat and veggies on the grill. National Geographic presented Cason with an opportunity to travel the world seeking the most mouthwatering dishes cooked over an open flame. His new show, “World of Flavor With Big Mo Cason chronicles his journey across the globe connecting with new cultures and serving up meals tasty enough to rival the locals. Cason dives for fresh conch in the Bahamas, roasts ‘gator in Louisiana, connects with his roots in South Carolina, and braves piranha-infested waters in Colombia.

Rolling out had the opportunity to ask Cason to share his tips for achieving the most flavorful barbecue this summer.

What is the secret formula to great barbecue? Should the focus be on the grilling process or on the seasonings and or sauce? 

The focus should be on managing your grill. You have to manage the temperature of the fire. That will give you the right texture for your protein or veggies.

Burgers and ribs are what most people think about when they think of barbecue but you experiment with some exotic options. What is the most unusual thing you’ve placed on the grill? 

Raccoon, it has a mild flavor.

Is grilling a healthier option than pan searing or frying? 

I would say that I prefer the taste of grilled food over the taste of pan seared or fried food. There is something unique to the flavor of the grill that you can’t get with the other cooking techniques

Speaking of healthier options, do you have tips for grilling veggies or meat substitutes? 

Keep it simple. A little bit of oil, salt and pepper is all you need for flavorful grilled veggies.

What inspired you to create a line of spices and seasonings? 

I initially chose to create my line of seasonings because I worried about what would happen if I fell in love with a spice mix and they quit making it. I wanted to know what went into each seasoning blend. It has evolved into me curating each seasoning blend based on a specific flavor profile for each protein.

What was your personal favorite episode to film and why?

My favorite part of shooting the series was getting to travel to see how locals make their dishes and the history of where their cooking evolved from. Columbia would have to be my favorite episode because [of] the history, the cooking and the methods of caring for their cattle was unlike any other. The cowboys rode horses without shoes and managed their Brahma cattle in the way the old cowboys would have. It was my favorite location thus far.

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