Supporters can directly send messages to Brittney Griner as while she’s serving a 9-year sentence in a Russian jail. The We Are BG website, wearebg.org, now allows fans to send a note to the WNBA superstar online.
The https://t.co/BbSAPJuUwr website is updated as fans are welcome to send a note to Brittney Griner (a pop-up once you enter the website). #WeAreBG #FreeBrittneyGriner pic.twitter.com/Ju4j1IkCyO
— Aya Abdeen (@ayabdeen) October 16, 2022
Named one of the WNBA’s 25 greatest players ever, Griner was detained in Russia for possessing and smuggling drugs into the country earlier this year. Griner pled guilty to possession during trial and was ultimately sentenced to serve nine years in August. In May, the United States classified Griner’s detainment as wrongful.
Oct. 18 was Griner’s 32nd birthday and her 243rd day behind bars. Her lawyer, Ana Cabrera, released a statement shared from Griner.
“Thank you everyone for fighting so hard to get me home,” Griner said. “All the support and love are definitely helping me.”
Griner’s wife, Cherelle, recently said Griner is at her “weakest moment,” and she noticed the tone of her latest letters have taken a darker tone from the previously optimistic ones.