Kiyundra Jones wants to empower minority businesses in the community

Kiyundra Jones is a passionate visionary

This Sisters with Superpowers story is sponsored by Chevy.

Kiyundra Jones wants to empower minority businesses in the community
Photo courtesy of Kiyundra

Kiyundra Jones is the president of the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce. In that capacity, she is deeply involved in Oak Cliff’s economic development advocating for businesses in the community.

What do you consider your superpower to be?  

My superpower is that I’m a passionate visionary. At the start of my career, the organization that I lead seemingly only had space for White businessmen, be it around the boardroom table or as members.  My goal has been to empower minority businesses and lend our organization’s resources to any business or community member, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status.  

What thoughtful or encouraging advice would you give to your younger self?

The thoughtful or encouraging … advice that I would give my younger self is to accept people for who they currently are instead of basing decisions on the potential that I see in them.  That person needs to see themselves in a better place and make strides to improve first and then, and only then, should I invest in them. 

Why should women of color work in leadership roles and decision-making capacities?

It is important for women of color to work in leadership roles and decision-making capacities because we need decisions being made on our behalf.   

If you could thank any Black woman for her contributions to history and society, who would it be and why?

If I could thank any Black woman for her contributions to history and society, it would be Oprah.  She was the first African American woman that I saw on television that had a meaningful message.  She didn’t look like a model but was still respected.  She didn’t fit society’s image role, but when she spoke – people listened, and [they] still do.

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