New Birth Missionary Church hosts largest food giveaway in Atlanta

Approximately 2,200 local families will be helped this Thanksgiving as Witherite Law group gives away $20,000 in groceries and 2,000 turkeys
New Birth Missionary Church hosts largest food giveaway in Atlanta
Photo Courtesy of New Birth

The largest food giveaway in the Metro Atlanta area is setting the tables of families in need Thursday, Nov. 17, at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. New Birth Senior Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant and community partners Witherite Law Group, 1-800 TruckWreck, and V103 The People Station will provide meal boxes filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, and shelf-stable foods, along with a fresh turkeys for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

“The past two years have been challenging for our community.  People are having a hard time meeting their basic needs, including providing food for their families – even food banks are struggling to meet the growing demand,” said Amy Witherite, founder of Witherite Law Group and 1-800-TruckWreck.  “This holiday season, we want to ease some of the financial strain so that people can enjoy each other without worrying about how to feed their families.” 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, food prices increased approximately 11 percent over the last year, the most significant increase in 23 years. Inflation has caused many families to miss out on proper nutrition, and meeting basic needs almost seems impossible.

Rolling out sat down with Dr. Bryant to discuss this initiative, his partnerships, and what people can expect when they attend the food giveaway. 

How fulfilling is it to put food on the tables of needy families?

It’s exciting and highly embarrassing at the same time that we are giving out almost 5,000 turkeys to people in Atlanta. I think it’s beautiful for the church. I think it’s not very good for our community that the need is that great.

What is involved in putting an initiative like this together?

This is the actual model of Christ that we’ve got the Biblical example of Jesus feeding 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread. So, anything that we do, we try to do it on that scale and on that level, we serve a big God. So, we have to act like it. It’s a whole lot of prayer involved. We were scared out of our wits because a week ago, it was only for 3,000, and another 2,000 registered. 

The event is free and open to the community. Registration is not required. Tickets for the meal boxes will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

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