‘Piper Sky’s Pink Popsicle Shoes’ book review

Rashan+Ali+Piper+Sky 10Rashan Ali’s Piper Sky’s Pink Popsicle Shoes

Step aside Dora; Piper Sky has landed on the scene full of pink power. Piper Sky, the Coach’s Daughter, is the first character written by author Rashan Ali for her new children’s book series.

Piper Sky’s Pink Popsicle Shoes tells the story of a little girl with amazing powers and full of adventure. One of the best characteristics of Piper Sky is that she loves to share with her family and friends.

Piper Sky teaches her friends a lesson in kindness and humility with her pink popsicle shoes. She refuses to take bribes from her friends who desire to wear her special shoes.

This book is an excellent way to teach kids about sharing and ethics. Parents can easily present the topics so that their kids will understand the concepts of right and wrong. The book is entertaining while teaching a moral lesson at the same time.

Thanks to artist Ahad Pace, the book has beautiful illustrations. Piper Sky and her friends Ella and Jin’s facial expressions will definitely entertain children. The vibrant colors will appeal to the young.

Rashan Ali is known for empowering young girls and she does not disappoint with this latest venture. Although Rashan is known professionally as an on-air radio personality, writing is not new to her. She started writing very early in life and won national awards for her writing in high school.

Be sure to pick up Piper Sky’s Pink Popsicle Shoes to add to you favorite kid’s bookshelf. Bedtime will certainly be different now that Piper Sky is here.

Piper Sky’s Pink Popsicle Shoes can be purchased at www.pipersky.com.

-Candace L. Banks 

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