What a great afternoon it was on March 10, 2013! The Red Pump Project hosted Cupcakes and Condoms and many ladies strutted in their red pumps at the event. Red Pump ambassador Skyy Banks hosted the Atlanta event at Room restaurant inside the Twelve Hotel. It was an afternoon of H.I.V. awareness, fun games, demonstrations, uplifting poetry and fellowship among the ladies. African American women are affected by the disease in disproportionate numbers and the Red Pump Project wants to bring more awareness to women by hosting these type of events nationwide. There was also a van located outside the event where you could get on-site testing to find out your status that took no more than five minutes. Guest speaker Narobi talked about safe sex, demonstrated how to properly use condoms and more. It was a fun-filled, informative afternoon. Cupcakes were provided in an array of flavors just like the red shoes that filled the space. Check out all the photos and visit the website for more information. Pictures by Tami Reed