Chris Brown’s seventh studio album Royalty dropped this month and rolling out secured an interview with a standout artist featured on his EDM/Rhythmic track “Anyway.”
Dallas is where Tayla Parx made her foray into show business. At just nine years old, Tayla attended the Debbie Allen Dance Academy. Allen took Tayla under her wing and encouraged her to hone her acting skills. Tayla moved to L.A. and she secured her first acting job at 12. Many small television roles, stage performances, and a leading role on the highly acclaimed film production of Hairspray. Later, Tayla was nominated for her first Grammy.
Having tackled film, television and theater, Tayla, now 17, returns to her true passion, music. Tayla was introduced to Babyface and then she went on to navigate the music scene in L.A., developing relationships with top A&Rs, publishers, and record label execs. Tayla landed her first placement with Sevyn Streeter garnering writing credits on the album Call Me Crazy, But….
Read more about three-time Grammy nominated artist on the verge and songwriter in demand, Tayla Parx.
When did you know that being a musician was your calling?
I knew I was a musician at a very young age. It was more so me picking up the clues and figuring out the inevitable. I started singing around age 5 and people would always tell me I could sing but what was news to me was learning I could actually write songs.
Name three other occupations you’ve held.
I’ve been a voice-over actress (Sims Olympus), vocal producer (fifth harmony), and TV and film actress. I’ve never had a job outside of the entertainment industry.
What inspires you to perform?
The inspiration to perform really comes from me always having something to say. I feel like I’ve always been the kid that had to get her point across and that’s exactly what my music is, my point of view.
What instruments, if any, do you play?
I play a few different instruments by ear but piano and guitar are my strongest.
How would you describe your brand of music?
I would describe my brand of music as relatable and rhythmic! It’s funny because my mom used to tell me I didn’t have rhythm but really I was just on a different cadence that her ears weren’t used to at the time. Now it’s one of my signatures as a songwriter.
When you are on stage what do you want to convey about your style?
When I’m on stage I want my performance to show everything my songs describe. I’m a very fun independent girl and a bit of a walking contradiction. Naturally, my music explains exactly what I mean by that, so it was more important choreographers get my performance style to match.
Name three musicians who have influenced your approach to being a musician?
I really have to give you four. Four of my major influences are Missy Elliott, Babyface, Kanye [West] and Beyoncé. I love them all for completely different reasons. Missy [Elliot] and Kanye [West] are two of the most innovative artists of our time. They are far more than just “rappers” or “singers.” They are everything the word “artist” encompasses, which is rare. I also respect that those two, along with Babyface, are not only successful artists, but songwriters/producers as well. It’s bigger than just them at that point. They are affecting generations to come whether they are relevant as artists or not at that particular time. Beyoncé…. well what’s to explain! Ha being that I’m a young girl from Texas it’s relatable to me but her drive is what takes the cake. She’s one of my favorite performers of all time.
Describe you creative process from concept to complete song?
When I’m writing, I always start with the melody. It’s instinctual at this point because within seconds I know what the rest of the song will song like every time. That’s what my ear gravitate’s towards when I’m listening to music as a fan as well.
How do you select your creative music partners to fashion your musical voice.
I’ve been blessed enough to work with some of the best writers and producers in the industry so before I decided to start on my album, I was able to kind of “date” everybody. So many sessions where I had the chance to feel out the producer’s vibes, strength and weaknesses and see if it aligned with my vision as an artist.
What advice would you give anyone preparing to enter the music business about publishing and management?
In regards to publishing and management I’d give this advice for someone getting started. That advice is to always make sure that wherever you go, from the smallest company to the biggest, make sure they are a fan of you and that they believe in you 100 percent. These are people that will have to be willing to fight for you throughout the good and bad times you have within your career. Also, if one manger/publisher situation doesn’t work out, always know there’s somebody somewhere that will go all in for you if they believe in your talent. Never settle. In addition, the biggest place is not always the best place for you as a new artist.
If you were going to sing for any famous person as a celebration of what they have done for humanity who would it be?
If I were to sing for any celebrity for their work as a humanitarian it would be Oprah or Elton John.
What are the effects to society that you would like the results of listening to your music to be?
I think as I continue evolving as both a person and artist my message changes. It depends on what I’m going through along with the world around me. Right now my message is that no matter how old or young you are, never let anybody tell you anything is impossible. Throughout my career I’ve done a lot of things people would never think could be done by someone my age. If I had that “things are impossible” mindset I would’ve never gotten where I am today. I’m a young female artists handling business in a big boy manner.
If you could go outside the USA to write and produce music, what country would you choose and why?
I’ve actually done a lot of traveling and writing outside of the US. I get inspired writing in other countries. This year I went to Jamaica, Greece, South of France, UK, and Asia. Every moment from turning on the radio and seeing what spins there, to linking up with the hot artists of that country broadens knowledge of music.
What do you like the most about being musician?
The best part about being a musician is that my only job is to be true to me. The people those songs are meant to relate to will listen, will hear me and feel me.
What producers are you looking forward to working with soon?
I’m excited to get back in with many people, but a few are Jason Evigan, J-Roc, and Xsndtrck. They all are really cool guys and we’ve had some really fun times at the studio in the past.
Name three musician you would like to record with that are hitmakers?
Adam Levine, Kanye West, and The Weeknd are three people I would love to work with.
If you could make a duet with someone who would it be and why?
I want a Nick Jonas duet! I’m a fan of his work … and we have the same birthday!
What musical awards have you aspired to receive and it happened?
Platinum certification is something I’ve achieved. I have one for Ariana Grande’s “My Everything” album and 5th Harmony’s single BO$$.
What musical achievements have you yet to obtain?
The Grammy.
When I hit the stage I feel… alive.
When the crowd is responding to my music I know… I’ve said something real enough to be relatable.
I appreciate my fans because… it’s comforting to know somebody in the world feels the same as me.
Music is my calling… and I knew it from the beginning.
My method of studying music is… to listen to everything and everybody.
When you find my music I want you to… know that it’s my most honest thoughts and feelings.
My two favorite books… are Just Kids by Patti Smith and The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.