Bringing Your ‘A Game’: Top Tips to Score High at Health, Fitness

Bringing Your 'A Game': Top Tips to Score High at Health, Fitness
Dr. Caree J. Jackson

Ahhh… the warmth of spring! Are you happily hanging up tanks and capris, or are you secretly wishing you could go back to January and restart your New Year’s resolution? Either way, you can still make improvements to get the look you desire by this summer. Use these handy tips to bring your “A game” to your health and fitness regimen:

Tip 1: Get Lean with Protein: Ready to go for those Michelle Obama arms? Protein helps your body build muscle, and having more muscle revs up your metabolism. Starting your day with protein keeps you fuller in the morning, which causes you to eat less and better because you won’t be starving by lunchtime. Choose any of these protein-packed ideas to get off to a great start: Greek yogurt, high-protein cereals, eggs or egg whites (hard boiled or scrambled), nuts (almonds or walnuts) or lean cuts of meat (chicken, beef, turkey).

Tip 2: Know the Magic Number — 3,500: That’s how many calories you need to burn to lose one pound per week. Little changes can go a long way when it comes to losing weight. Be aware of the empty calories you glean from beverages and sweets, and cut back to get closer to your goals. Consider switching your morning latte with herbal tea or having an English muffin instead of a buttermilk biscuit. Add more fruits and veggies to your plate for a low-calorie option full of flavor and nutrients.

Tip 3: Get Fly with a B.U.D.D.Y: Grab a friend to help you adhere to your workout plan. Walking and running up hills build your cardiovascular endurance. Local parks and neighborhoods are excellent resources for free exercise. If you need more variety, consider joining a boot camp, dance class or sports team. Evidence shows that, if we stick to the activities we love, we’re more likely to maintain physical habits. If you once played tennis, swam or biked, break out the old gear to lose weight while having fun.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Deliberately plan your daily food intake and physical activity in detail, and be prepared for the unexpected. Planning ahead will keep you from making impulsive choices and get you closer to your health goals in no time.

Dr. Caree J. Jackson earned a Ph.D. in Foods and Nutrition from the University of Georgia. She is also a registered dietitian and licensed esthetician. For more tips and info, be sure to “Like” Dr. Caree’s fan page on Facebook at

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