Atlanta Area Private School With High Integrity, Now Enrolling

Atlanta Area Private School With High Integrity, Now EnrollingIn light of the recent cheating scandal within the Atlanta Public Schools System, Aurora Day School, “an accredited school that accelerates learning for all students – regardless of ability or learning type,” is stepping up to address the crisis and parent’s concerns about their children’s education. Here, Kellie Huff, the CEO Aurora Strategies, Inc. and founder of Aurora Day School; and Matthew Tarpley, headmaster of Aurora Day School: Tucker Campus, discuss an alternative for those parents.  –yvette caslin

Please share with our readers Aurora Day School’s mission and philosophy on education.

Aurora accelerates learning for children and adults of all abilities. We produce statistically significant results working with children using individualized, therapeutic instruction plans created to strengthen — and often re-map — neural path­ways; creating a strong foundation for higher education. Two to six years of measurable subject area and skill gains are typical in one year. Equally important, students discover successful paths to lifelong learning.

What ages do you serve?

Aurora Day School is a K-12 school, accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission. Our students range from six years through 21 years of age.

How long is the application process?

Our application process is simple and straight forward. There is, of course, an application for enrollment.  This document is simple and relatively brief. Once this is completed and turned in, we can schedule an evaluation of the student and an initial meeting with our Funding Solutions office. The entire process can realistically be completed in a matter of days.

Do you currently have any openings for new students?

We have made available a number of seats for every grade and offer a flexible schedule and curriculum. We have two locations, Tucker and North Fulton, and are offering special tuition rates to students currently enrolled in the Atlanta Public Schools.

Will students be able to start school without interruption this Fall?

Yes. We are working to accommodate as many students as we can as effectively as possible. All we need is a completed application, an initial evaluation and a consult with our Funding Solutions Coordinator by August 1, and we will make certain that each student is accepted and enrolled by the first day of classes at Aurora, [which is] August 15, 2011.

What is your website?

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