Jay-Z Sells ‘Occupy’ T-shirts; Big Pimpin’ or Great Business Move?

Jay-Z Sells 'Occupy' T-shirts; Big Pimpin' or Great Business Move?When we mention hip-hop music is if difficult to get through any conversation without bringing up the name of Sean “Jay-Z” Carter. He is a great lyricist, a businessman and married to one of the most attractive women in America. Now he is getting involved with the Occupy movement that has sprouted in nearly every community across the nation.  However, his actions are more self-serving than for the benefit of the masses.

It has been reported that Jay-Z will be releasing a new line of T-shirts in support of the occupy Wall Street movement (#OWS) via his Rocawear clothing label. Unfortunately, he and his company will not be sharing any of the profits with the protesters. According to a representative of Rocawear, there is not an “official commitment to monetarily support the movement,” which is taking a stand against corporate greed and corruption.

The rap mogul was even recently seen wearing one of the shirts, which tweaks the phrase “Occupy Wall Street” by crossing out the “W” and adding an “S” to make it read “Occupy All Streets.”

I guess it should only be expected that another rapper is interested in avarice as equally as the big Wall Street banks.  Neither gives back but only takes from those who cannot afford to live as they do. In simple terms, this represents another example of hip-hop culture’s focus on materialism, going for self, and producing songs with lyrics that border on instructional psychopathy. In hip-hop culture, “I” trumps “we” or “community.”

The spokesperson went on to add that the ” ‘Occupy All Streets’ T-shirt was created in support of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Rocawear strongly encourages all forms of constructive expression, whether it be artistic, political or social. ‘Occupy All Streets’ is our way of reminding people that there is change to be made everywhere, not just on Wall Street. At this time we have not made an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.”

torrance stephens, ph.d.

Torrance Stephens authors the blog https://rawdawgb.blogspot.com/, follow him on twitter https://twitter.com/rawdawgbuffalo.

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