Tami Roman Talks New Book and Hosting GHS Gay Pride Swagger Weekend in Houston: Photos

Tami Roman

What made Tami team up with George Smith for GHS Presents Gay Pride Southern Swag Weekend in Houston?

George is a really good friend of my managers and he has taken me under his wings somewhat like a baby sister. I really wanted to support because I am a big advocate of gay pride. One of my dear friends who was like a brother to me passed away from HIV; he used to be my makeup artist for many years so I’m very supportive of people being themselves and being proud of who they are and not being stifled by how society says you should be or how you should act.

Can we expect to see Tami Roman on the upcoming season of “Basketball Wives?”

It depends on if I have a story to tell. … At the end of the day I have a real life and I’m going through real stuff just like the next person. This season I tried to introduce things from my past that shows what I’m dealing with so people can really see who Tami Roman is,  [so] if I don’t have anything of substance to bring to the show, then I won’t be involved.

What’s the next step as you move forward with the Tami Roman brand?

I just signed on to be one of the new cast members for a new TV show called “Belle” with TV One which should be out this summer. It stars Ella Joyce from the hit TV series “Roc” and the beautiful Elise Neal from the D.L. Hughley show [‘The Hughleys”] and the legendary Keith David.  My book is coming and I’m also the new face of Bronner Brothers Products.

What will your book be about and when will it be released?

The book is called Mistress One on One by Tami Roman and it basically shares tidbits for women on how to keep your man. We have a lot of infidelity going on and I sat down with some women who have been classified as the other woman so I got a chance to pick their brain and use their secret advice to help other women. It’s not necessarily a self-help book but more so how to be wise and not stupid. I’m excited that I can now add Romance Novelist Tami to my resume.

For more information, please visit www.tamiroman.com www.twitter.com/TamiRoman


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