Cartoon Parody of ‘Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’ Takes Off
An animated parody of a famed reality show is leaving viewers crying with laughter for its portrayal of Stevie J, Joseline, Mimi and the entire “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” cast. Broken Equipment Productions took to Youtube this week to release their spin on the Mona Scott-Young program that’s become many people’s guilty pleasure. In the parody video Stevie J is likened to Master Splinter of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while rapper Karlie Redd is compared to a bird.
Also hilariously parodied is Joseline Hernandez who is seen blubbering on screen with subtitles about not returning to the strip club to her “daddy” Steebie J.
Check out the Love and Hip Hop parody below. Seriously funny or seriously stupid? -danielle canada
If you’re over 18, click to see the parody video below.