Name: Lewis Johnson
Title: 7 Time Olympic Sports Commentator
About Johnson: “No matter what we do as a profession we are all still human beings first, and hopefully interacting with each other as we move through our lives and our ups and downs. And I just have enjoyed using my platform as a guy who has been lucky enough to commentate the last seven Olympics for NBC, as also a way to use those experiences to inspire other people as I’ve been inspired in my work.
“And then there are times when you see things happen around you where it is time to take action. So my feeling was that I was in New York to cover the marathon, saw the devastation, felt the cold, and my mind immediately went to my closet. Get some of these coats that are hanging there like trophies and give them to somebody. And it went from twenty something coats out of my closet to five hundred, which is unbelievable! I wanted to take this milestone birthday, turning 50 on December 13, and turn it into something other than just about me.
“The kickoff party that I had here at my wife’s studio, A Touch of Paris here in Grapevine, was unbelievable. Lots of people, lots of energy, 200 coats collected right away. But I’m also more excited about life and about entrepreneurial ideas regarding television more than I’ve ever been.”
New Year’s Resolution? – I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because often times in two weeks they are gone!
Favorite Restaurant in Dallas? – I’m a big fan of Gloria’s Tex Mex. Plus I don’t know anybody that makes a better mojito than my man Juan at Gloria’s in Colleyville, TX.
What should the focus be for the black community in 2013? – Focus on the children at home first. Arm them with intelligence, some street savvy, but with a dream. You can really accomplish anything in this country if you put your mind to it. -michael savoie