Simple resistance band strengthening exercises


Simple resistance band strengthening exercisesInner Thigh Adduction

  • Make a loop at one end of the band and place it around your left ankle.
  • Hold the other handle in your right hand.
  • Stand with your right foot on the band with back straight, abs engaged, right hand on hips and knees soft.
  • Lift your left leg off the floor just slightly, foot flexed. 
  • EXHALE: Keeping both legs straight, use the inner thigh to pull the left leg towards the midline of your body. 
  • INHALE: Slowly return left leg to the side, returning to the start position to complete one rep. 
  • Finish set on this leg and then switch sides.
Simple resistance band strengthening exercisesSide Lying Leg Abduction
  • Slide a 24-inch resistance band loop over your thighs, just above the knee.
  • Lie on your left side with your head cradled in your hand and your legs stacked on top of each other. Point both knees forward.
  • Lift your right leg as high as possible, pulling against the loop. Do not allow your torso to wobble.
  • At the top of your movement, perform five 1-inch pulses, and then lower down.
  • Perform five to 10 sets of leg lifts on each leg, with pulses at the top of your movement.
  • You can intensify this exercise by turning your leg out, so that your knee points slightly toward the sky.
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