Title Boxing Club owner, Cheryl Williamson, talks business, boxing and blessings


Cheryl A. Williamson is the owner of Title Boxing Club in Denton, Tex., along with her husband, Russell. The club offers explosive workouts designed for high calorie burn, which leads to effective and lasting results. Williamson serves as executive director of the Elizabeth Ann Williamson Foundation for Ovarian Cancer, additionally she serves as general manager of 924 Sports. Williamson also recently completed an inspirational book titled Words From the Spirit, for the Spirit.

Williamson is a native of Savanah, Ga., but resides in Flower Mound, Texas, along with her husband of 20 years and three children. Rolling out recently visited the Title Boxing Club to chat with Williamson about the boxing club business and more.

What was the first job you ever had?
A receptionist at the Polote Corporation in Savannah, Ga., my dad’s company. I learned a lot about being a business owner and most importantly, customer service.

Can you share a few keys to your success?
Think outside the box
Under promise and over deliver
Always give maximum effort
Surround yourself with positive people; negative people rob you of your energy and your focus
Being customer service driven

What advice would you give aspiring young women who are interested in a career in the fitness or boxing field?
Surround yourself with people who are knowledgeable
Have a solid business strategic and marketing plan
Find a mentor that is already in the field
Volunteer your time at a fitness and boxing facility

If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
First lady Michelle Obama

What’s your book about and what inspired you to write it?
While posting on my Facebook page, all the daily truths from God to me; the Holy Spirit spoke to me and revealed that I needed to share these nuggets of truths with the world.

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