Erica Mena dishes on Underneath It All
Like her “Love & Hip Hop” cast mate Winter Gordon, Erica Mena has released a tome. Unlike Gordon however, Mena’s book doesn’t detail her romps with hip-hop’s hierarchy and instead focuses on the raw, uncut and at times troubling world of this 25-year-old spitfire.
Titled, Underneath It All fans who peel through its pages will learn of Mena’s birth in a prison, her previous sexual abuse and a relationship with a high profile DJ who she says masterfully manipulated her.
“The crazy girl you see on TV really does have a story,” says Mena. Read what else she says about her shocking life in published form below. –danielle canada
Was there any part of the book you were apprehensive about writing?
The part about the DJ Envy situation. It’s embarrassing to be caught up in a situation where someone that you have a relationship with is married. As a woman, I think I was more embarrassed and ashamed with it and I didn’t want to come clean and I didn’t for a very long time for the sake of the children and the wife who was played like a fiddle.
Was there any backlash from you writing that?
He gave me a call through his manager, he was really scared. We had a three year relationship. I think he was just nervous about how in detail I was going to get. Envy has a lot to lose, his wife could leave him. Envy is very materialistic and superficial. He uses the material things to keep her blindsided to what’s really going on. I’m not the first relationship he had and I’m not the last.
What do you say to people who think you’re always angry?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t take no s—. I’m very adamant about what I feel is right and wrong. I do react off emotion and I’m learning how to change that. I get where people think that I’m always angry and that’s because it’s intimidating when a woman takes no s—. I’ve gotten this far being as tough as I am, as I get older I do realize that I don’t have to be so much that way anymore.
Have you spoken to Rich Dollaz since the Love & Hip Hop reunion?
We talk. We really did have a genuine respect and love for each other before the show even started. I really respect his business mentality and how he moves. Nobody in this world could bring Olivia [Longott] to where she’s gotten to this day. And though she hasn’t gotten far, you gotta give all the credit to Rich.
Are you dating someone new?
I’m not ready for a relationship right now but there’s a person who’s been there this whole time. I’m finding comfort, I’m finding happiness. I’m enjoying how things are going. He’s a really good friend of mine but I don’t wanna jinx anything.
Instagram: @IAmErica_Mena
Twitter: @IAmErica_Mena