Russell Simmons and John Salley go postal with PETA


Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, NBA hall-of-famer John Salley, Latino TV personality Marco Antonio Regil and Hollywood heavyweight Sam Simon were at the West Hollywood post office to unveil PETA’s new vegetarian celebrity stamp series.


Want to add some animal-friendly flair to their holiday cards and packages, choose a stamp with the likeness of these vegetarian celebrities: Sarah Silverman, Bob Barker, Paul McCartney, Ricky Martin, Mayim Bialik, Edie Falco, Casey Affleck, Belinda Carlisle, Pamela Anderson, Alan Cumming, Vivienne Westwood, Sara Gilbert, Morrissey, Joaquin Phoenix, Stella McCartney, and Joan Jett.

PETAs-Vegetarian-Celebrity-Stamps-Shop-Now-Button-2013-300x134You can order these limited-edition stamps from the PETA Catalog and spread some goodwill for animals this holiday season. –Joi Pearson @joiapearson

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