“Love and Hip Hop: New York” star Saigon is getting a small taste of what the real Saigon must have been like during the Vietnam War after he began disparaging his baby’s mama about his son’s allegedly slow development pace.
LAHHNY fans turned Twitter into a war zone when Saigon referenced WebMD to discuss where his son should be in terms of enunciating words. Worse, he automatically assumes his son has autism because he doesn’t speak as fluently as his half-sister when she was his age. And worst of all, he is making all of these denunciations of his baby mama when he just discovered his son’s existence.
You know Twitter users had a field day at Saigon’s expense. Take a look at what they had to say:
Saigon is so so so silly. Why must you listen to everything Peter Gunz says? Have a mind of your own! #LAHHNY
— sarainay. (@CremeDeLaNay) November 26, 2013
Saigon tried it..he kno he was a slow young boi #LAHHNY
— Twerk Goddess (@DSnickasDeville) November 26, 2013
Lastly Saigon has nerve to be calling anyone a hood rat when he has ghetto twins GTFOH #LAHH #LAHHNY
— me (@_ItsTitch) November 26, 2013
Saigon sounds dumb. Kids develop at their own pace. Girls typically faster than boys. Only full-time dads know that #lahhny
— Janel (@xo_janel) November 26, 2013