- Corner for “Fight Club” near mall
Teens in Fort Greene, New York have taken to social media to start a fight club. The New York Police Department has responded to reports that numerous fights have been occurring at the Atlantic Center Mall. Dozens of teenagers have been gathering during the daytime for all out brawls. Police have reported that as many as 30 teens have been fighting on a corner for more than a year.
“It’s like watching ‘Fight Club’ the movie, with two kids getting ready to fight and a circle around them,” reported one witness to local media. Capt. Peter Fiorillo said “Fight club is organized by kids on Facebook and Twitter, and then they get in a circle and they fight. And where they like to fight is by the mall …But then someone brought a gun to the fight and shots were fired.” Fortunately, no one was hit by the gunfire and the police are monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media to try to stop these clubs from forming.