The best photos of Waka Flocka and Tammy Rivera


VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” brought to many viewers’ attention the relationship of Waka Flocka and his girlfriend, Tammy Rivera. Since the airing, we have enjoyed their smiles, hugs, their togetherness and also their marriage. Without the hoopla of overspending, they went right to the courthouse, reminding many that marriage is about love and the couple’s bond and it isn’t for everyone else.

Rivera posted on her Instagram, “Ran into my husband at the airport in Cleveland. I’m leaving, he’s coming, we both grinding #TeamWork #MeetTheFlockas #WeMeEachOther

Void of the distance between them at times and society’s standards, Flocka and Rivera show us what true love is. Check out more adorable photos like above of them in the gallery. –joi pearson @joiapearson

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