Columbus Short seemed to have lost it all this year when his wife left him over abuse allegations and he, ironically, lost his job at “Scandal” over the ensuing scandal. And even though it seemed a dismal chance that Short would find love again anytime soon, the Hollywood star now has a new girlfriend and she’s not at all worried about his troubling violent past.
For those who don’t remember, Short has quite the history of violence himself. Aside from assaulting a man in a bar fight, Short was also accused by his wife, Tuere Short, of choking her and threatening to kill them both when she filed a restraining order against him back in April.
Short eventually pleaded no contest to the charges and ended up with probation.
Recently, Short struck up a relationship with his new girlfriend, Rashida Russell, who explained to TMZ that she met Short when he was vacationing in Barbados in August, which was also when he was evading his criminal cases.
Russell says that she and Short kept their romance going even after they came back to the States and that he even moved her from New York to Atlanta, where he currently lives, so they could be together.
And even though Short’s abuse scandal with his estranged wife, whom he has yet to divorce, is still fresh, Russell says Short has never been abusive to her and that “he treats me like a queen.”
Russell also says that she’s brought more stability to Short’s life by helping him keep appointments and keeping him focused on his music career.
Well, we’re glad that they’re happy together but considering how erratic and violent Short has been this past year, it’s reasonable that the rest of the world will be leery of Short’s ability to be nonviolent in a new relationship. – nicholas robinson